Bundle includes
Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
In this module you will learn what Equality, Diversity and Inclusion means, how having the right culture can improve your business, what the legal requirements are, and how to start building an inclusive culture.
Leading Compassionate Conversations
You will learn about the importance of leading compassionate conversations with your colleagues, team members and customers. Use empathy and hone your emotional intelligence to provide leadership, guidance, support and feedback.
Formal Performance Management
In this course you will learn the key skills of formally managing an employees performance. We will look at when you need to formally manage performance, understanding the reasons for under performance, and the formal process involved.
Introduction to the Performance Management Cycle
Managing Performance is a key skill for any people manager or supervisor, but it’s one that a lot of managers struggle with.
Emotional Intelligence 6. - Self Care
Learn about the importance of self care and how regular self-care positively impacts your personal performance, as well as your leadership behaviour and abilities.
Own the day, Live your life
Learn about the importance of owning each & every day by building simple habits that positively impact your life including both mental and physical wellbeing resulting in feeling empowered to fully embrace life.