Coaching Notes for Performance Improvement Plans
These coaching notes will support you in coaching individuals in how to a manage performance using a performance improvement plan. The coaching notes assume the coachee has completed the course prior to any coaching.
Coaching Notes for Formal Performance Management
These coaching notes will support you in coaching individuals in how to a formal performance management process including a capability hearing. The coaching notes assume the coachee has completed the course prior to any coaching.
Coaching Notes for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
These coaching notes will support you in coaching individuals in how to embrace, support & celebrate difference through diversity & inclusion in the workplace. The coaching notes assume the coachee has completed the course prior to any coa...
Coaching Notes for Emotional-Intelligence-Self-Care
These coaching notes will support you in coaching individuals in an aspect of Emotional Intelligence - Self-Care. The coaching notes assume the coachee has completed the course prior to your coaching.
Coaching Notes for Emotional-Intelligence-Motivation
These coaching notes will support you in coaching individuals in an aspect of Emotional Intelligence - Motivation. The coaching notes assume the coachee has completed the course prior to your coaching.